Israel- Why is the Middle East Important? Neil Johnson and Jeff Pelletier

Hello! Got time for Coffee? Are you a Christian? Do You follow Jesus? Do know about your Jewish Roots? Join the conversation as we discuss Israel, Yeshua, (Jesus) and learn about the reconciliation of the Old and New Testament! Neil and I have these conversations in our favorite coffee shop. So what we’ve done is simulate the atmosphere we are so comfortable in, with the use of an audio track from an actual coffee shop! This conversation is exactly like all of our conversations about Israel and the Middle East and now you can experience them just as we do when we have coffee together. Our goal is to help you to see that God’s plan for the world IS ALL ONE BIG PLAN. We take you through the FIRST Testament into the Second Testament and carefully UNFOLD the PLAN of God for you, and the world. There is no better way to understand your Christian faith then to v...

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Tuesday May 19, 2020

Thanks for joining us! grab a cup of coffee or your favorite beverage as my radio partner Neil Johnson and me Jeff Pelletier journey down a path towards a greater understanding of Israel, the Jews, and why and how it matters to you and I. Jesus and Israel are inseparable. We can;t be Christians and discard Israel. In this episode we discuss the idea hate what it is, and how it is and can be expressed towards God's people.

Thursday May 07, 2020

Grab some coffee and join my radio partner Neil Johnson and me, Jeff Pelletier, as we discuss and discover why we think it's important for every Christian to understand why Israel and the Middle East are important.


We Are the Notzrim

This is the Hebrew word for Watchers on the Wall, the sentries who look out from the city, for trouble and warn and protect.  

Notzrim is the term that Israelis use for Christians because that is how they see us. So when you join our program, as you listen and learn, you become a watcher too....  

Part of the Notzrim.



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