Israel- Why is the Middle East Important? Neil Johnson and Jeff Pelletier
Hello! Got time for Coffee? Are you a Christian? Do You follow Jesus? Do know about your Jewish Roots? Join the conversation as we discuss Israel, Yeshua, (Jesus) and learn about the reconciliation of the Old and New Testament! Neil and I have these conversations in our favorite coffee shop. So what we’ve done is simulate the atmosphere we are so comfortable in, with the use of an audio track from an actual coffee shop! This conversation is exactly like all of our conversations about Israel and the Middle East and now you can experience them just as we do when we have coffee together. Our goal is to help you to see that God’s plan for the world IS ALL ONE BIG PLAN. We take you through the FIRST Testament into the Second Testament and carefully UNFOLD the PLAN of God for you, and the world. There is no better way to understand your Christian faith then to v...

Tuesday Jan 28, 2025
Tuesday Jan 28, 2025
HI friends,
After we finished our previous episode on the backstory of Jesus' birth, Neil and I kept talking about the stuff we always talk about when we're at Dunn Brothers Coffee in St Paul. It occured to me to keep rolling as I was enjoying the conversation and thought you might like it too. We were just speaking from our hearts.... Leave us a comment about what you think! :) Shalom!

Monday Jan 27, 2025
Monday Jan 27, 2025
In this episode Neil and I startt off talking about the The Cease Fire in GAZA-
Then we pivot to give you INSIGHTS into the Birth of Messiah here are some highlights
* Comparing Mariam's Song (Moses's sister) in Exhodus 15:1-18 and Mary's (Also Mariam) Song -The Magnificat- in the Gospel
* The thee Wise were JEWS?
* Swaddling Clothes were for New Born Lambs
* Jesus was born in the Spring when all the Lambs were born
* Herod the Great (king of Israel) was NOT a Jew
* Mary Joseph and Jesus were NOT poor!
PS Neil is off to Israel soon- please pray for him. We will do an episode woith him while he's there.

Tuesday Dec 31, 2024
Tuesday Dec 31, 2024
In this episode of Israel-Why is the Middle East Important< we complete our discussion on how past prophecy from the last century (1900"s), predicted in part where we are now and how THAT leads to Gog and Magog-- The Ezekial War of chap 38 & 39. But its NOT how you think!!
Tune in to see how the world keeps spinning towards the unfolding plan of God, that IS the Bible.

Thursday Dec 19, 2024
Thursday Dec 19, 2024
I love this episode of Israel- why is the middle east important. Neil and I met a couple of times about the episode and decided it is a two-parter. In this first episode we lead you to understand more about what is going on RIGHT NOW and then we begion to relate it directly to prophecy. We'll finish in part TWO- stay tuned- on Instagram

Thursday Oct 31, 2024
Thursday Oct 31, 2024
Lots of chaos in the world today. But in this episode we bring you to the awesome understanding about where God is in all this chaos. He's right there with you and us! He's working HIs plan to work "all things together for the good of those who love Him....." There is "nothing new under the sun" that is on the Earth in our lives. Fear Not, for HE has overcome this broken, human system and is making US NEW every day.
ENJOY!! And hey, please leave us comment .

Tuesday Oct 22, 2024
Tuesday Oct 22, 2024
In this episode of Israel- Why is the Middle East Important?, we continue from the pervious episode to further explain the importance of the TIME we are in. This time, we believe, is the beginning of the end. NOT Armegeddon, NOT Ezekiel 38, 39. But a season of conflicts when Israel's neighbors and those in proximity, begin aggression towards her. Join Neil and Jeff as they conclude this two-parter on Psalm 83 and begin the "The Beginning of The End".

Wednesday Oct 09, 2024
Wednesday Oct 09, 2024
🎙️ Podcast Promo: "Israel - Why is the Middle East Important"
Join us for Part One of an eye-opening two-part series where we delve into the prophecies of Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38-39 to explore why the Middle East—and especially Israel—remains a focal point in global events. These biblical texts provide a profound backdrop as we examine the political, religious, and spiritual significance of Israel in today's world.
Discover how ancient prophecies connect to modern-day headlines, and gain insight into the key players and nations predicted to rise in conflict against Israel. Could we be witnessing the unfolding of these prophecies right now?
Whether you're a student of the Bible or simply curious about the forces shaping the Middle East, this episode will challenge your perspective and deepen your understanding of why this region is more important than ever.
Don’t miss it—tune in to "Israel - Why is the Middle East Important?" for an enlightening journey through history, prophecy, and current events.

Thursday Sep 26, 2024
Thursday Sep 26, 2024
In this episode we dive into an essential, yet often overlooked topic: water in the Bible. We explore the significance of water in both the Old and New Testaments, revealing how it shaped the history, culture, and spiritual journey of Israel. From creation to miracles, water flows through biblical narratives, symbolizing life, renewal, and divine provision.
Join us for an overview of this powerful theme, highlighting key scripture passages and their deeper meanings. Should we continue exploring this fascinating topic in future episodes? We’d love to hear your thoughts!
Tune in now and discover why water holds such profound importance in the Bible and the Middle East. Listen and let us know what you’d like to hear next!

Wednesday Sep 18, 2024
Wednesday Sep 18, 2024
NEW EPISODE: “Israel - Why is the Middle East Important?” 🎙️
In this thought-provoking episode, Neil and I shed light on the significance of Capernaum, Jesus’ home base, where two monumental events involving water took place, shaping spiritual history. 💧🌊
We also take a deep dive into the pivotal role of Judea and Samaria—often referred to as the West Bank or Occupied Territory—and explore why this region holds such vital importance in today’s geopolitical landscape. 🏞️⚖️
Tune in for a fascinating discussion that connects history, faith, and the strategic significance of the Middle East. 🎧✨

Saturday Sep 14, 2024
Saturday Sep 14, 2024
The City of Capernum.
Capernum is a city in a region of Israel called the The Galilee of the Gentiles in Isaiah. But most importantly, Capernum is a central point for Jesus' ministry, and the area where the Father made it clear to Him that He was for the whole WORLD, in this episode of Israel-Why is the Middle East Important. Listen as Neil and I focus on this key region in Israel and the Middle East, Capernum.

We Are the Notzrim
This is the Hebrew word for Watchers on the Wall, the sentries who look out from the city, for trouble and warn and protect.
Notzrim is the term that Israelis use for Christians because that is how they see us. So when you join our program, as you listen and learn, you become a watcher too....
Part of the Notzrim.
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