Israel- Why is the Middle East Important? Neil Johnson and Jeff Pelletier
Hello! Got time for Coffee? Are you a Christian? Do You follow Jesus? Do know about your Jewish Roots? Join the conversation as we discuss Israel, Yeshua, (Jesus) and learn about the reconciliation of the Old and New Testament! Neil and I have these conversations in our favorite coffee shop. So what we’ve done is simulate the atmosphere we are so comfortable in, with the use of an audio track from an actual coffee shop! This conversation is exactly like all of our conversations about Israel and the Middle East and now you can experience them just as we do when we have coffee together. Our goal is to help you to see that God’s plan for the world IS ALL ONE BIG PLAN. We take you through the FIRST Testament into the Second Testament and carefully UNFOLD the PLAN of God for you, and the world. There is no better way to understand your Christian faith then to v...
Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
In this episode Neil and I discuss our process for discovering what is TRUE. We each a have our own way and each of those ways is different from and similar to, the other. But the key is that we each begin with a desire to know the truth, and are always looking for the truth. How do you determine what is true! ALSO we help you see that you may have been a unknowingly duped. Have you? Listen to find out.
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
Just watched the great new movie, Top Gun: Maverick If you listen to our show you understand how real life and that movie are amazingly interconnected and closer than you think. We about how. Also Neil has a phase he uses, Catholic Lite, which we dill decode for you. It's not a pejorative, its an easy way of expressing truth.
Monday May 30, 2022
Monday May 30, 2022
Shavuot is the celebration of the giving of The Law and the first fruits of the Wheat Harvest. It is seven weeks (49 days) and one day (50th or Pentecost) after the Passover celebration.NEIL does an excellent job explaining this very very important Jewish season that BIRTHED the Eklessia (the church) of Jesus Christ. Please share this with ALL your Christian friends.!
Thursday Apr 14, 2022
Thursday Apr 14, 2022
In this episode we further investigate our Jewish Christian roots by examining the first two of the festivals. Passover and The Feast Of Unleavened Bread. These two festivals mean MUCH to both Jews and Christians! AND we continue to layout the unfolding plan of God. Shalom! Jeff and Neil
Thursday Mar 31, 2022
Thursday Mar 31, 2022
We're bouncing back to our series about the Jewish calendar which is NOT the Jewish Calendar at all. It is GOD'S calendar given to all the Believers and it reveals HIS plan for US.This broadcast is produced free by the Foundation for Excellence in Faith and Work a 501c3 non-profit. Donations welcome.
Thursday Mar 17, 2022
Thursday Mar 17, 2022
Purim is a Hebrew Festival started by Esther to celebrate the saving of the Jews from eradication. St Patrick's Day is a celebration for a different kind of saving. This year both occur on the same date! Plus Ukraine and and Psalm 38
Sunday Mar 06, 2022
Sunday Mar 06, 2022
Friends and friends of friends- whatever you do, listen to THIS episode. It is the first episode in a series Neil and I will do, to help religous and secular people understand how the God of the Universe laid out his plan for Earth and Universe. And God views time.
Saturday Feb 05, 2022
Saturday Feb 05, 2022
In this episode Neil and Jeff talk about the apparent movement of Jews and Christians toward each other another and how the "Palestinians" may be driving that. We discuss how Christians over the over time have crafted a Jesus they identify with.
Tuesday Jan 04, 2022
Tuesday Jan 04, 2022
Folks in this episode, we discuss how Israel is ESSENTIAL to God's Plan for the whole world and what the deal is with Gog and Megog which are TWO different ENDTIME events. Wait...what?
Friday Dec 24, 2021
Friday Dec 24, 2021
We started out in this episode to cover the Israeli "Settlements" and the battle of Gog and Megog.But we never go to the battle! Our discussion on The "Settlements" went long and it was GREAT! if you want to understand words like Settlements" and "Occupied Territory' and how Israel in the Modern Day came in to existence, THIS is your episode!!!
We Are the Notzrim
This is the Hebrew word for Watchers on the Wall, the sentries who look out from the city, for trouble and warn and protect.
Notzrim is the term that Israelis use for Christians because that is how they see us. So when you join our program, as you listen and learn, you become a watcher too....
Part of the Notzrim.
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